Product code: SKU#155370134673499891
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Jamon Reserva premium ham without bones
Dried pork ham Jamon Reserva (hind leg) is very similar to ham like Jamon Serrano, but the drying process of Reserva hams is longer and the technology is slightly different. The taste of these hams is characterized by an exceptional intensity of taste, the taste is more refined, the aftertaste lasts longer.
Dried ham made of pork JAMON SERRANO RESERVA is dried not less than for 15 months. JAMON SERRANO RESERVA.
Made in Spain
Components: pork ham, salt, potassium nitrate (e250,e252). Best before end (see on the packaging). Nutrients: energy value (kJ) 923 kJ per 100g, energy value (kcal) 219 kcal per 100g., fats 7,3g / 100g, saturated fats 2.49g / 100g, carbonates 4g / 100g, sugar level in overall