Buyer terms and conditions
1. General terms
1.1. There rules of buying and selling stocks (further - rules) are considered as a legal document that is compulsory for both Parties and determines rights, duties, and responsibility of the Buyer and the Seller.
1.2. The buyer has a right to change, correct, or update the rules at any time and following requirements set by legal acts. The buyer will be informed on the website of the e-shop. The rules which are valid for making orders are applied for a buyer by the time of his shopping in this e-shop as well.
1.3. The right for buying goods is given for:
1.3.1. A legally capable person who is 18 years old and above and whose legal capability is not limited by the court. 1.3.2. Persons aged from 14 to 18 years old can use this shop only with the approval of their parents or caregivers except they are managing their incomes by themselves.
1.3.3. Legal persons;
1.3.4. All representatives of persons mentioned above.
1.4. By approving these rules, the seller also guarantees that the Buyer has a right to shop in this e-shop in accordance to point 1.3 of these rules.
1.5. This contract between the buyer and the seller is considered as conducted by the moment the buyer clicks on the button “to approve an order” after forming a shopping basket, specifying an address of delivery, choosing a payment method, and getting acquainted with the rules of Seller. (See Point 5 “The ordering of goods, prices, the order for payment and terms”).
1.6. Every agreement of Buyer
2. Personal data protection
2.1. Buyer can order goods on the e-shop by:
2.1.1. Registering on this e-shop and by entering data which is required during the registration; 2.1.2. Not registering on this e-shop.
2.2. The buyer must enter personal data required for proper completion of order in corresponding fields set by the seller by the time of making an order on ways mentioned at the post of these rules 2.1.
2.3. By agreeing on these rules, the buyer agrees that personal data will be managed for aims of the sale of goods and services in this e-shop, Seller’s activity analysis, and direct marketing.
2.4. By agreeing on personal data management for the sale of goods and services in the Seller’s e-shop, the buyer also agrees that different informative messages will be sent by e-mail and telephone number entered by the Buyer and required for proper completion of the order.
2.5. By registering on this e-shop and making the order, the buyer obligates to save and keep in secret his logins.
3. Buyer’s rights and obligations
3.1. The buyer has a right to buy goods at this e-shop by the order set by these rules and other sections of information at this e-shop.
3.2. The buyer has a right to terminate this sales contract concluded between him and the e-shop by giving a prior written notice not later as 14 working days after the delivery by an email letter which should include the good for return and its order number. This is not applied in case if this contract cannot be terminated in accordance to the laws of Republic of Lithuania (for example, in case if the contract is concluded on the sale of hygiene items or beddings; see the information the return and change of non-food products point 18 on the website of the public institution “Vartotojų centras”
3.3. The buyer can use his right specified by the point 3.2 only if the good is not damaged or its appearance is not visibly changed or if the good is not used.
3.4. The Buyer obligates to pay for goods he ordered and to accept them.
3.5. If some of the data entered in the form of registration has changed, the Buyer must update data immediately.
3.6. The Buyer obligates to not tell any of his logins to the third-party. If any of Buyer’s data is lost, the Buyer must inform the Seller about it immediately by the measures mentioned in the section “Contacts”.
3.7. By using this e-shop, the Buyer agrees on these rules on buying and selling goods, obligates to observe these rules and to not break law acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
4. Seller’s rights and obligations
4.1. The Seller obligates to make all conditions for a proper Buyer’s use of the services in this e-shop.
4.2. The Seller has a right to limit or stop the Buyer’s ability for using this e-shop or even to remove his account in case if the Buyer is trying to harm the stability and safety of e-shop run by the Seller or breaks his obligations.
4.3. The Seller obligates to respect the Buyer’s right for privacy to the personal data entered in the registration form of this e-shop.
4.4. The Seller obligates to deliver goods ordered by the Buyer on the address which he has determined.
5. Goods order, prices, the order of payment, and terms.
5.1. The buyer can buy at the e-shop 24/7.
5.2. From the moment the Buyer presses a button “Submit order” and the Seller approves it by sending an approval letter by email set by the Buyer, this contract becomes valid.
5.3. Prices for goods in this e-shop and the order formed are indicated in euros with VAT included.
5.4. Buyer pays for goods by using one of the methods mentioned below:
5.4.1. A payment by an electronic banking system is a pre-payment method when the Buyer can pay for his goods on the system operated by his bank. The Buyer has to be signed an agreement of the electronic banking with one of the banks below: SEB bank; AB “Swedbank”, “DNB Nord” bank; “Parex” bank, “Ūkio bankas” bank; “Danske” bank; “Nordea” bank; “Snoras” bank. The buyer transfers money to the bank settlement account of this e-shop. The corresponding bank is responsible for data safety in this case because all the operations take place in the electronic banking system of this bank.
5.4.2. Bank transfer is a prepayment system when the Buyer prints out his order, goes to the nearest bank branch, and transfers money to the account of e-shop.
5.5. The buyer is obligated to pay for goods immediately. The order is being started to be prepared and the delivery term is being started to calculate only after the receipt of the payment for goods.
6. Delivery of goods.
6.1. The Buyer obligates to determine the exact place for delivery after choosing the goods-delivery service while making an order.
6.2. The Buyer obligates to accept goods personally. The Buyer cannot make any complaints to the Seller on the delivery of goods to the wrong person if the Buyer cannot accept goods personally and the goods were delivered on the specified address.
6.3. Goods must be delivered by the seller or his representative (courier).
6.4. The seller delivers goods to the Buyer corresponding to the terms specified in the description of the goods. The terms for delivery are considered to be preliminary and not applied in cases of lack of the required goods in a store and the Buyer is being informed about the lack of ordered goods. The buyer also agrees that the delivery of goods could be late for the reasons independent from the Seller. In this case, the Seller obligates to contact with the Buyer immediately and to coordinate all conditions on presenting goods.
6.5. The Seller is not responsible for not following terms of delivery at all times if the delivery is delayed or canceled due to the Buyer’s fault or independent conditions.
6.6. The buyer must inform the buyer immediately if the delivered package is damaged if there are some additional goods that have not been ordered by the buyer or their amount in the package is not as ordered or some goods are missing in the set.
6.7. In all times the buyer notices some damages on the packaging, he must specify them in the document provided by a courier by the time of delivery or conduct a separate act on these damages. This has to be done on participating of the courier. The Seller is not responsible for damages on the packaging delivered to the Buyer if the actions mentioned above were not made and the buyer didn’t check the damages on the document provided by the courier.
7. The quality of goods and guaranty.
7.1. All general data on each good in the e-shop is specified in its description next to each good.
7.2. The Seller is not responsible for differences in color, shape, or other features between goods in the e-shop and in reality, occurring due to features of a monitor used by the Buyer.
7.3. The Seller provides some sorts of goods with a limited time guarantee which conditions and exact terms are specified in the description of such goods.
7.4. If the Buyer does not provide some sorts of goods with a guarantee on quality, such goods are provided with a guarantee fixed by certain legal acts.
8. Change and return of goods.
8.1. The removal of defects in goods sold or the replacement or return of defected goods is conducted under order no. 217 regarding the approval of rules on the return and replacement of goods issued by the minister of Agriculture on the 29th of June 2001. These rules are not applied if the contract cannot be terminated under the law of the Republic of Lithuania (for example, if a contract is conducted on the sale of hygiene goods or bedding. More information could be found on the website of “Vartotojų centras”, available at, point 18 on “The specialties on the return or change of non-food products”. Money for goods returned is being transferred to a Payer’s bank account only.
8.2. According to point 8.1 of these rules, the buyer can return good within 14 working days from the day of delivery by giving the seller a prior notice by means of communication as specified in the contact section and specifying the name of good, the order number, and reasons for return.
8.3. In order to return a good, the Buyer must follow the conditions mentioned below:
8.3.1. The good for return must be in good order and placed in its original packaging.
8.3.2. The good must be not damaged by the Buyer.
8.3.3. The good must remain unused and the appearance of the product must be not changed (its labels must be not damaged, the protective film must remain in place, etc.). This is not applied for goods with low quality.
8.3.4. The good for return has contained the same set as by the time of delivery for the Buyer.
8.3.5. By the time of return, it is required to show a document of the purchase of the goods.
8.4. If the Buyer is not in compliance with the order for return asset in section 8.3, the Seller has a right to refuse to accept the goods for return.
8.5. The Seller obligates to accept and change goods if wrong or low-quality good was delivered to the Buyer.
8.6. If there are no goods for replacing, the payment for a good is being returned to the Buyer with a delivery fee excluded.
9. The responsibility of the buyer and the seller
9.1. The buyer is responsible for the correctness of the personal data provided. The Seller is not responsible for consequences occurred due to unclear personal data in the registration form and has a right to require compensation for direct damage.
9.2. The buyer is responsible for his action while using this e-shop.
9.3. By completing a registration, the Buyer is responsible for transferring his logins to the third party. The Seller considers the third party as a buyer if he logs in using the Buyer’s logins and uses this e-shop.
9.4. If the buyer is not considering Seller’s recommendations and the Buyer's responsibilities and had rejected to acquaint these rules despite the opportunity provided, the Seller is not responsible for the damage that occurred due to it.
9.5. The Seller is not responsible for information provided on websites of other companies, organizations, or persons, he does not manage or control these websites and does not represent these companies or persons.
9.6. If some damage has occurred, the party who is responsible for this damage compensates it for another party.
10. Marketing and information.
10.1. The seller can initiate any discounts in this e-shop.
10.2. The seller has a right to change or remove these discounts without prior notice and only on his will. Any changes or cancellations on the conditions of discounts or the order are considered to be valid by the moment this change, or cancellation is being made.
10.3. The seller sends all notifications by the communication means specified in a registration form of the Buyer.
10.4. The Buyer sends all notifications or questions by the telephone numbers or emails specified in a section “Contacts” of this e-shop.
10.5. If the Buyer does not receive any informative or approval notifications due to internet connection or disorders on the net managed by providers of e-mail services, the Seller is not responsible for it.
11. Final terms.
11.1. These rules on buying and selling stocks are conducted with compliance to laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
11.2. All disagreements on implementing these rules are being solved by negotiation. If the agreement is not reached, all disagreements are being solved on the order set by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.